A Risky Manoeuvre
Changing lanes in traffic is recognised as one of the most risky manoeuvres we perform when driving. This is mainly due to the challenge in looking for vehicles in spots that are not normally seen when negotiating other traffic situations.
The MISS System
A simple system for making sure you give yourself the best chance to perform a lane change safely is to use the MISS system.
Shoulder Check
Mirrors: Before driving, your mirrors should be adjusted for maximising vision around the car. The centre rear vision mirror should allow for vision through the rear window of the car. Each of the side mirrors of the car should be adjusted so that only a minimal part of the car is visible on the inside edge of the mirror (the rear door handle for example). If you can see a vehicle in the side mirror to the side you wish to merge, but do not have a clear view of the front of the vehicle in the centre mirror, that usually suggests the vehicle is too close to you to move in front of.
Indicator: Sufficient signalling should be given to allow time for other vehicles to know your intentions. Usually, 5 seconds is enough.
Shoulder Check
Shoulder Check: As an exercise, sit in the driver seat with your mirrors properly adjusted. Then, ask another person to walk around your car standing in places that are just outside the viewing area of your mirrors. This will show you how much you need to turn your head to be able to see vehicles that are in your “blind spots.”
Steer: Once you are satisfied that it is clear to proceed with the merge, it’s time to then change lanes. Avoid steering while you are still shoulder checking. This will make your steering erratic and unsteady. Also, it is much smoother to pull on the steering wheel with your hand that is on the side that you are merging rather than pushing the wheel with your opposite hand. Make sure your indicator remains on until the merge is complete.
When NOT to Change Lanes
Lane changing (especially for inexperienced drivers), should be avoided, where possible, when approaching traffic lights. This would require awareness not only on the lane change process, but also on the traffic lights themselves. You don’t want to perform your shoulder check, then look forward to see a yellow light not knowing how long it’s been yellow for. It is also not advisable to change lanes approaching any other complex road situations for similar reasons.
Also, care should be taken when changing lanes on motorways with three or more lanes. Be sure that there are no vehicles moving into the lane you wish to occupy coming in from a lane two across from your current lane. This is a common cause of many motorway crashes.
Whilst gaining confidence in your lane changing techniques, a good idea is to advise any passengers you have in the vehicle that you are about to change lanes as the extra set of eyes can help scan for other vehicles.
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